The Cars
602 Outlaw Late Models 
If your company has an edgy marketing identity, the 602-style car is an excellent choice for your company. The 602-style car offers a wide variety of spokespeople to partner with, the experience level in the 602-style car ranges from fifteen to fifty years of age and they reside throughout Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois. If your brand has a hard or edgy energy to it a 602-style team is the partnership for you. 602-style cars are an economical style car, with fixed components to keep costs down. This style of racecar has many spec parts keeping cost low and competition close. The economy of this class also means economy for your branding.
The outlaw-style body is mostly handmade - this individuality is a branding edge for your company. The 602-style car has one of the most unique appearing vehicles in motorsports. With the longer sloped nose and the wedge style body the 602-style car has that edgy hard look. Large areas for your name and logo coupled with this outlaw style body will give your company that edgy leader of the pack appearance, thus setting your company apart from your competition.
Events within the 602-style schedule are statewide, with attendance draws from throughout the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest. A 602 Outlaw Late Model and the schedule associated with these teams can create an economical statewide marketing opportunity for your business. As a support series for many medium to high profile events throughout Wisconsin, the in person and media footprint will reach well beyond the Wisconsin borders. Spectators from throughout the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest attend these events giving your company a regional brand awareness.
A 602 Outlaw Late Model schedule consists of events primarily contested at Dells Raceway Park, with events at Madison International Speedway, Oregon, WI., Golden Sands Speedway, Plover, WI., and Lacrosse Fairgrounds Speedway, West Salem, WI. A 602 Outlaw Late Model schedule will create a twelve to fourteen trackside event schedule to along with three to five off track events negotiated between all parties. This schedule creates an excellent mix of repeatability and unique impressions as the schedule creates multiple visits to most venues during this package. With most of these events held at Dells Raceway Park in the Heart of tourism in Wisconsin the home track repeatability, coupled with the tourism and special event unique impressions creates an excellent balance to create brand awareness. The additional events in major metropolitan areas expands the geographic scope of this branding opportunity. The events in the Madison, Stevens Point and Lacrosse metropolitan areas will generate a substantial number of unique impressions that will boost your brands statewide to regional footprint The estimated number of impressions partnered with a 602-style team package is between three and five million impressions per year.
The 602-style car offers a wide variety of spokespeople to partner with, the experience level in the 602-style car ranges from fifteen to fifty years of age and they reside throughout Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois. If your brand has a hard or edgy energy to it a 602-style team is the partnership for you.
Midwest Truck 
A Midwest Truck is the classy yet sassy look in all of motorsports. Those unmistakable truck lines, low to the ground, everyone looks twice at a hot truck. The Midwest Truck series offers an excellent variety of spokespersons; male and female, mature to up and coming star. The unique appearance of a truck vs. car sets your company apart from others this classy yet sassy look creates a look unmatched in any type of promotions. Midwest Trucks are also an economical option in racing, this means both on track and for your marketing campaign. The plastic and aluminum bodies must fit a template, making them recognizable as your favorite manufacturer.
If your identity has a tough but classy look, a Midwest Truck would be a great branding tool for your business. The unique appearance of a truck as a racing vehicle and series by its self-sets everyone apart. Do you have a truck centric product, snowplows, bedliners, tonneau cover or toolboxes excellent fit. How many women drive trucks, do you have a woman centric product? Set yourself apart from the pack and be a leader with the Midwest Truck Series.
The Midwest Truck series has become the farm club to many of today’s short track and major league stars. If you company is looking for a place to start and grow to a powerhouse front running brand the Midwest Truck series should be your target. The laundry list of Super Late Model and NASCAR Stars that have participated and won in the Midwest Truck Series is a who’s who of current short track racing. With a mix of veteran racers making the Midwest Truck Series their home, the young guns with Super Late Model and NASCAR stardom on their minds come through the Midwest Truck Series
The economical rules package, the unique appearance, excellent attendance, and media footprint throughout Wisconsin, the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest make a Midwest Truck one of the best Motorsports Promotions packages available. Give your company that tough but classy look with a Midwest Truck Series package. The Midwest Truck Series is a dedicated statewide series, the fifteen-event schedule and the classy, but sassy look is a brand winner. The Midwest Truck Series is the primary support division for many of Wisconsin’s highest profile events. Even as the contesting of the fifteen-race schedule is within the State of Wisconsin, the media and social media reach has a strong regional to national presence. This dedicated series creates one of the best statewide marketing opportunities in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes area.
The Midwest Truck Series dedicated series and the high profile fifteen-race schedule creates one of the best regional in person and social media presence available in motorsports. Along with the high attendance and great social media coverage, nine of the fifteen scheduled Midwest Truck Series events are live streamed in 2022. The Midwest Truck Series visits most major markets in Wisconsin including, Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Wausau, Stevens Point, and Lacrosse. A Motorsports Promotions package with the Midwest Truck Series can create between five and eight million impressions per year.
The Midwest Truck series is a dedicated series of events within the State of Wisconsin with attendance draws covering a national footprint. If your identity has a tough but classy look, a Midwest Truck would be a great branding tool for your business. The Midwest Truck Series is the best Return On Investment in Midwest motorsports currently.
Pro Late Models 
Pro Late Models have that low sleek racecar look. The Pro Late Models give your company the professional appearance of late model racing at an economical price point. A Pro Late Model is the most economical of the template late model branding opportunities as well as the most customizable. The experience level is still quite varied in the Pro Late Model level of racing from fifteen to fifty years of age, a company can find the level of experience they are seeking. The Pro Late Model style of racing has the best mix of diversity with more women competing at this level than any level of motorsports in the Midwest and Upper Great Lakes.
A Pro Late Model gives a business a regional marketing opportunity with an economical price point. The sleek smooth racing lines of a Pro Late Model have those low fast, professional looks. The economics of the rules and this professional look will give your company a professional look at an economical price point. With the Pro Late Model being the headlining class for most weekly tracks throughout the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes area, a dedicated regional series and numerous unsanctioned dedicated events allows some of the greatest flexibility in motorsports marketing. The unique mix of events allows your company to pinpoint branding opportunities. With events contested in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, this allows your brand to create an economical regional branding experience. If your company is seeking an economical regional marketing campaign, a Pro Late Model spokesperson would benefit your organization.
The age range and experience level in the Pro Late Model division is as diverse as the geographic region is covers. Pro Late model teams would unquestionably fit the definition of the Semi Professional level of racing. The driver/spokespersons of the Pro late Model division range from business owners and managers to heavy equipment mechanics, teachers and at home human resource professionals. The Pro Late Model division is home to the largest concentration of female racers in the Great Lake upper Midwest region.
The Pro Late Model is the first step into professional late model motorsports as a driver/spokesperson. In person events across four states, attendance from around the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes region, with the ability to pinpointing major metropolitan locations such as Chicago, Rockford, Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Lacrosse, or Wisconsin Dells is one of the major benefits of a Pro Late Model marketing campaign. Combined with media and social media coverage across these same regions give your brand that regional footprint your company is seeking. The attendance draws and social media impressions associated with the Pro Late Model Package has a high degree of redundancy creating that brand name recognition your business is seeking. The wide variety of business partners associated with Pro Late Model teams and series range from local and regional to companies doing business nationally. Customizing a thirteen to seventeen race schedule, coupled with three to five off track events could generate an estimated four to seven million impressions for your brand each year.
The Pro Late model teams offer a great mix of spokesperson to choose from. If your brand is seeking an economical regional footprint a Pro Late Model will give your company the PROfessional identity you are seeking.
Super Late Models 
Super Late Models are the pinnacle of short track motorsports and short track motorsport marketing throughout the country. Branding through a Super Late Model team and series will give you the flexibility for statewide, regional, or national exposure. The driver/teams and the events are among the highest profile short track participants and events in Wisconsin, the Midwest and many recognized nationally. Not only are these events and spokesperson recognized within the racing community but also recognized as brand representatives and product spokespersons throughout the Midwest and nationally. These templated fiberglass and plastic bodies keep manufacture identity true, competition close and the ultra-professional look.
Super Late Model racing is the most professional of short track motorsports racing and marketing available throughout the United States. Super Late Model teams and events are the pinnacle of short track motorsports events. As Super Late Model racing is the most professional of short track motorsports racing and marketing, your brand will reflect that professionalism immediately. The drivers are professional spokespersons, most of these teams have professional full time crew members and consultants. Super Late Models are the headlining division at a significant percentage of events throughout the Great lakes, Upper Midwest and nationally. Super Late model partnerships instantly have statewide to regional identity, as this is the professional level in motorsports marketing.
The transporters have profession graphics with company logos already in place. Your brand would be recognized immediately, not just statewide, not just regionally; your brand would be recognized as a major player in national motorsports. This exposure from a statewide, regional, and national opportunity is from an in-person aspect as well as the media and social media reach. Live streaming, mainstream media, in person attendance and targeted geographic events are all part of the specialization a Super Late Model program can generate for your brand.
A Super Late Model program brings the ability to customize a Super Late Model marketing campaign from statewide to national. With regional and national partnerships already participating in Super Late Model racing, creating additional partnership opportunities is increased exponentially. A business seeking a statewide to national branding campaign should consider a Super Late Model partnership.
The at track events associated with Super Late Model marketing opportunities have excellent in person attendance creating and excellent conversion point. The teams and the events contesting Super Late Model racing are among the highest profile short track participants and events, from a statewide to national level. This participation by spokesperson with above average name recognition and excellent followings, drive social media impression skyrocketing. Most of these events were live streamed in 2022 and that number will increase in 2023 and beyond, adding value to the footprint available for brand recognition.
A Super Late Model package based on twelve to eighteen competition events, 3-5 distribution conversion events and two to four non-competition shows can create the coverage and conversion outcome your brand would desire. A Super late Model package of this type as the ability to generate between six and ten million impressions annually.
A company seeking to create a high impact, professional, regional to national partnership and brand identity would choose a Super Late Model opportunity.