Why Motorsports

Auto Racing

Auto racing has captured the imagination of the 21st century sports marketer. Short track motorsports continue to be the most effective sports marketing opportunity in the country, and this intense brand loyalty exhibited by fans.


Marketing today is more than placing ads or creating new distribution channels. It is about relationships - building them with consumers, clients, and strategic partners to ensure they receive measurable results. Building a motorsports marketing platform can bring these loyal race fan consumers closer to your brand and product at the racetrack, at their home, and in the retail marketplace. As lifestyle groups become more fragmented, it is increasingly more difficult to deliver messages effectively. New media options appear daily, and with so many diverse choices, capturing the loyalty of an overexposed consumer is a tricky proposition.


  • Enhancing Image and Shaping Consumer Attitudes

Companies are often looking to improve how a particular audience perceives them. One way of achieving this goal is by becoming affiliated with well-liked sports personalities. Auto racing is the largest spectator sport in the world and reaches a consumer market that crosses all boundaries of age, race, and gender. A motorsports marketing campaign is an excellent way to shape the buying attitudes of this vast demographic and will help to generate a positive reaction towards your company.


  • Driving Sales

Motorsports marketing is an extremely effective promotional tool. Many successful companies use motorsports marketing to stimulate consumer interest, which, in turn, generates sales. Motorsports marketing can drive traffic to their web sites and increase online purchasing. This contributes to overall sales volume as well.


  • Heightening Visibility and Creating Positive Publicity

Motorsports marketing provides wide exposure to broadcast, print and electronic media. This exposure creates positive publicity and heightens visibility of your company’s products and services. The media coverage often received from a motorsports campaign would prove too expensive if purchased outright if it were even available at all. The publicity generated through a motorsports marketing program is difficult to measure monetarily.


  • Differentiating from Competitors

Having an exclusive affiliation with a racing team and/or driver is a significant way to create competitor differentiation. Your company name can stand out far above the competition. Motorsports marketing is a powerful weapon against a competitor with a larger advertising budget and it allows smaller companies to compete with their industry giants. Using motorsports marketing will give you a decided advantage over your competition.


  • Enhancing Business, Consumer and Employee Relations

Motorsports marketing that includes hospitality allows companies the chance to entertain key customers and solidify business relationships. A motorsports marketing program that offers consumer rewards increases goodwill and customer retention. Companies that tie their motorsports marketing to their employee reward and incentives programs experience increased productivity. Treating employees to a fun day of racing excitement is an excellent way to boost morale and to thank them for their hard work.


  • Summary

Motorsports marketing is a powerful and cost-effective business tool. The enormous international appeal of auto racing, combined with careful planning, can elevate a company to new heights.